ECG Test in AccuHealth Barasat: The Simplest & Fastest Tests Used to Evaluate Your Heart

Sep 27, 2023

The most common way to assess health of heart is through an Electrocardiogram Test also called ECG Test. In this blog, you will get to know all about ECG test – what is it, why is it necessary, what are the benefits and the best place to get it done in Kolkata.

What is an Electrocardiogram Test?

An Electrocardiogram, popularly called ECG Test is a medical procedure that is used to detect heart problems such as heart attack, enlarged heart or arrhythmia. A non-invasive and painless procedure, ECG measures the electrical activity of your heart, which is reflected on a computer screen in the form of waves. Analysing these waves, a cardiac surgeon understands how well your heart is functioning.

Why do you need an ECG Test?

Certain symptoms like

  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Abnormal palpitations
  • Irregular heartbeat

These signs can be signs of heart disease and your doctor may recommend an ECG test. Further, if you have a family history of cardiac disease, you may need to undergo for an ECG test.

Factors that influence an ECG Test

  • Age factor- Aged and middle-aged people are more prone to heart disease due to stress, unhealthy lifestyles, smoking and drinking, family history, etc.
  • Diabetes & Obesity- People with diabetes and obesity are at a higher risk of heart disease.
  • High blood pressure- Having high blood pressure is not a good sign for heart and thus you need to be monitored quite often. ECG test diagnoses if you have any cardiac problems.
  • Family history– If you have a family history of heart problems you should undergo an ECG test, regularly.

Different types of ECG test

  • Resting ECG– The most common type of ECG performed to detect heart problems. In this case, the electrodes are attached to your chest, arms and legs to monitor your heart problems.
  • Stress ECG – Also known as exercise stress test, it determines the activity of heart when you perform physical activity.
  • Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) – By using an automated cuff attached to your arm, this type of ECG measures the blood pressure for over 24 hours.
  • Holter Monitoring– A portable device that records electrical activity of your heart continuously for 24-48 hours while you are away with your regular activities.
  • Event Monitoring – It is similar to Holter monitoring, but you wear only for a few days when only symptoms are seen.

Benefits of ECG testing

  • Reliable & trustworthy– ECG results are accurate and reliable, thus making doctors to go for a proper diagnosis and treatment.
  • Detection of cardiac problems– Different cardiac diseases can be detected through an ECG test that help timely treatment.
  • Diagnosing CAD – ECG testing diagnoses coronary artery disease (CAD), a disease occurs when plaque builds up in the arteries increasing the risk of heart disease.
  • Regular monitoring– Routine monitoring of heart through ECG test helps assess of heart diseases.

ECG Test Price in Kolkata

Normally, the ECG cost in Kolkata varies greatly with location and the features of a diagnostic centre. It’s seen that you may need to undergo the test again if the result is not accurate. A trustworthy lab like AccuHealth in Barasat area is backed by renowned doctors, skilled medical staff and quality service offers accurate test results at budget-friendly price.

If you or your close ones need to undergo for a quality and an affordable ECG test in Kolkata, book an appointment with us.


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